Enter any part of the title you want to search for...
Tip : If you are unsure of the spelling of any word in the title, just
leave it out. If you include a wrongly spelled word then you will get no hits.
Illegal fake books :
* Books marked with an asterisk are illegal as the composers & publishers of the tunes included have not given their permission for the tunes to be included, nor do they receive any royalties. For reasons of both legality and musical quality we do not recommend that you should attempt to obtain any illegal books, nor do we know where you could get them from anyway. However, there was a time when some of these illegal books were the only source for much jazz material and for this historical reason there are copies on many people's bookshelves. Their indexes are included here as they may be helpful to these people. Please do not ask us about obtaining them as you will not get any reply.
It's for locating tunes rapidly without having to pull armloads of fakebooks off your bookshelf - you can go straight to the right one(s). Also if you want to buy a new fakebook, it might help you to decide which one you want.
You should type one or more words (or partial words) separated by spaces, in the text field alongside the "Search" button.
All matching is case insensitive, and all characters typed are searched for literally (so don't use quotation marks unless the title you're looking for has quotation marks in it).
It doesn't make any difference what order you type your words in, but every word or partial word you type must be matched by some part of the title to get a hit on that title. So if you type "Lover Man" (or "man lover") then this will match both "Loverman" and "Lover Man".
If you give a very short search string such as "a" or "love" then this will match too many titles for the search to be useful. In this case you will get a messsage suggesting that you should be a bit more specific.
If the title you are looking for is actually several words long then the best way to be more specific is to add some more words (or partial words) to your search.
Alternatively (if the title is short) you could specify that only short titles should be matched, by making a selection in the "Match titles of length" selection list, or you could specify "Match whole words only" which means that "love" will not match a title with the word "lover" in it.
Normally, the matching of partial words is useful : if you can't remember whether the title you are looking for is "Blue Sky" or "Blue Skies" then a search for "blue sk" will nail it.
Accented characters appear as their unaccented equivalents (i.e. French "e-acute" becomes plain "e").
Paired quotation marks always use double-blip quotes (Take the "A" Train). Single-blip is used only as apostrophe (Ain't Misbehavin').
Then you could always transcribe it from a recording yourself. By an amazing coincidence it just so happens that that we (Seventh String Software) have written a program specifically to help with this task. It's called "Transcribe!", it runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux, and you can download it right now for a 30 day free trial.
Click here for information about Transcribe! (software to help transcribe recorded music) .
Then please email us to let us know. If the book you have in mind is relevant to jazz musicians then we might very well be happy to add it to this index. Note, however, that we do not plan to add any more illegal books as there are so many good legal books these days.
Here are some links to publishers' websites where you can find more information and places to buy books. Note that we don't give out complete listings of book contents but you can often find such listings at the publisher's site.
Sher Music - Chuck Sher's books
Although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, we cannot guarantee it, and in fact there will surely be errors in any list this long. Please tell us of any errors you find, also any suggestions for other books to include or other improvements.
Titles of artworks in general do not have copyright, and as this site has only the titles and not the content, to the best of our belief this site does not violate anyone's copyright.
The Fake Book Index is Copyright © 1998-2025 Seventh String Software. That is to say, the ideas expressed are not copyright (they can't be) but their expression in the files and data of this site is copyright.
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