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FAQ 1 - Frequently Asked Questions about Transcribe! Download / Install / Backup

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  1. "How do I install Transcribe! ?"

    First go to the download page and download the appropriate version to your computer. You don't need to register or buy Transcribe! to do this.
    Once you have downloaded it to your computer, the procedure for installation depends on which OS (Windows / Mac / Linux) and you will find instructions on the download page.
    You get a free 30 day trial period and you may choose to buy it if you want. If you don't buy it then it will stop working at the end of the trial period.

  2. "How do I update Transcribe! ?"

    Updating Transcribe! simply means installing the new version as described in the preceeding FAQ. If you want to you can uninstall the previous version first, as described in the next FAQ, but anyway if you install to the same location as before then it will replace the old version.
    It will recognise your existing license key and you shouldn't need to enter it again.

  3. "How do I uninstall Transcribe! ?"

    Instructions are in the Help for Transcribe! itself, on the page "Installing, Uninstalling, and System Requirements".

  4. "I've upgraded my computer, how do I install Transcribe! on the new one?"
    "My computer crashed, how do I re-install Transcribe! ?"

    Just download Transcribe! again from the download page (or use your backup copy of the download file if you have one) and use the license key you already have (or see the "I've lost my license key" query on page 2 of the FAQ).

  5. "Does Transcribe! work on some particular OS version?"

    You can check which operating system versions Transcribe! is available for, by taking a look at the download page. If you need to update Transcribe! then the update is free to existing users.

  6. "On Windows I've installed version 9 so why do I keep getting the old version 8 when I run it?"

    Version 8 for Windows was 32-bit and version 9 is 64-bit, which means you can have both installed at once, because Windows keeps 32-bit and 64-bit programs in different places. So the solution is to uninstall or delete the 32-bit version 8, which means delete the folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\Transcribe!" and then run the 64-bit version 9 which is in the folder "C:\Program Files\Transcribe!".

  7. "On Windows when I try to install Transcribe! I'm getting a message "This program does not support the version of Windows your computer is running"

    I've only had one report of this and it turned out that it was caused by trying to run the Transcribe! installer directly from Firefox's list of downloaded files. So don't do this!

  8. "Where do I download Transcribe!?"

    From this site, on the download page.
    If you were thinking of downloading a "cracked" version then I suggest that you should read this first.

  9. "I'm having difficulty downloading Transcribe!"

    Sometimes there can be temporary glitches on the internet so merely trying again later often fixes it. Or are you possibly using a machine which is specially configured in some way and does not allow some downloads? Or are you behind a firewall? If the problem continues then download on a friend's machine, copy the download file to CD or USB memory stick or whatever, and get it onto your machine that way. Or get your friend to download it and email you the download file.

  10. "Why has Transcribe! disappeared from my Mac?"

    Did you perhaps drag it to the trash? I'm not joking, sometimes people drag the app to the dock, and once it is in the dock, they imagine that they don't need the app in their Downloads folder or on their desktop any more, so they trash it. The result is that next time the trash is emptied, the app disappears. As it says on the download page : "Remember that dragging an application to the dock does not create a copy of it, it just creates a link. If you drag the application from the dmg to the dock and then trash the downloaded dmg file, then Transcribe! will disappear from the dock the next time the trash is emptied."
    If you have done this, then you should simply download again from the download page. And this time move the application to your Applications folder instead of trashing it!

  11. "Is Transcribe! available on CD?"

    Transcribe! is available by download only, though you can copy the download file to a CD yourself if you want (as backup, or for installing on a machine which does not have internet access). Remember that the most important thing to back up is the license key which you receive when you buy.

  12. "How do I install or update Transcribe! on a machine which does not have internet access?"

    You will need to download the Transcribe! installation file from our website, using a machine which does have internet access. Then copy the downloaded file to CD or USB memory stick or whatever, and get it onto your machine that way. If you buy Transcribe! then you will receive your license key by email. Copy the email content to a file and use the same technique to get the email onto your machine, so you can copy&paste the license key into Transcribe!
    Updates are done by making a new installation, so the same method can be used.

  13. "How do I back up Transcribe! ?"

    Copy the downloaded installation file to CD or other medium for safe storage. If you buy Transcribe! then it is your responsibility to look after the license key so back up the license key in the same way. We do not promise to reissue lost license keys.

  14. "How can I run Transcribe! from a USB memory stick?"
    "How can I run Transcribe! on a machine where I do not have permission to install software?"

    You should first download and install Transcribe! on a machine where you can do this. Then all you need to do is copy the application to the USB stick, then plug the USB stick into the target machine, then on the target machine navigate to the USB stick and double click the application there. Or you can copy the application from the USB stick to your home folder on the target machine, then double click it there.
    Windows: Transcribe! installs by default to the folder "Program Files\Transcribe!" so you should copy that folder with all its contents. One of the files in that folder is called Transcribe.exe : that is the one you should double click to run the program.
    Mac: Just copy the application from your Applications folder (or wherever you put it after downloading it).